Monday, November 12, 2018

Week 12: Using Other Social Media

Using review sites, like Yelp, can have a good turnout for emerging businesses. One of the things I like is being able to read real reviews and experience with a company. Since my company will be new and has not established as much of a loyal customer following having a few great reviews would be a great way to let people know that our products are worth giving as try. Using an incentive to review our business on Yelp, such as a discount on future purchase could be a good way to get people to review us. I think the most important thing though is to keep customers satisfied with their purchases, at all times, because Yelp can be a good thing or a bad thing in some cases.

Groupon is a site I may also consider using with the business as it gives customers an incentive to try a new product or service. Personally I use Groupon often and have found many great places through the site. Again, here it is very important to make sure your company is providing service that is exceptional enough to make the customer want to return; even without future incentives.

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